Laurelin Immeril

Portrait Save

Name: Laurelin Immeril
Race: Ar'Tel'Quessir
Gender: Female
Age: ~120
Hair Color: Golden blonde
Eye Color: Emerald green

A pretty golden elf with emerald eyes, often serious and her gaze seems to analyze all the angles of a given situation. She is tall for an elf, and certainly a fighter of some sort as her slender body denotes a regular physical activity.


Greens: Adventure, spicy adventure, teasing, seduction, plots, trickery, fun conflicts, long term RP.

Yellow: non con, conflicts, PVP (RP based only), lack of persistence in encountered characters or situations.

Reds: rape, gore, vore, preg, perma changes, unrealistic, drama, godmode, PM Setup, PVP (with no RP).

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf