Jewel Azu'luerra

Jewel is a young human woman on the shorter side, standing about 5'2". Her light, sandy blonde hair hangs to her shoulders, usually kept tied back away from her face. She seems to enjoy flaunting herself however she can-she is usually wearing makeup including sweet pink lipstick, and dark eyeliner. Sweet fragrances of vanilla, fruits, or whatever else might tickle her fancy waft out around her; she wears just enough to catch the attention of a passerby. If that passerby were to linger, they would see her standing, usually leaning one hand on a cocked out hip, by a wall or corner, watching the crowd. If she caught their glance she would return it with a wink or a teasing grin. Her clothing serves to accentuate her full womanly curves, and she prefers light colors like pink or yellow. Her dress is very provocative and usually includes high heeled boots, some sort of skirt, and a tight shoulderless top pushing up her ample bust.

She flaunts herself in this way perhaps to be a tease, or perhaps just out of habit. Indeed, if asked about her past, she may mention that she worked as a prostitute in Waterdeep, and the flirtatious manner she has taken with her into her new home seems to be a shadow of that life.
(( Open to lots of kinds of RP, and very tell friendly! ))
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf