Kastur Stern


An unkempt, unshaven, and rotundly fat-bellied, with glossy raven black hair and tired, bright green eyes.

This haggard-looking human man is in his mid 30's. He's usually dressed in a ragged military longcoat -  but rather than disciplined or authoritative, he just seems beleaguered and stressed, fretful and restless.

He had a round, handsome face, boyishly smooth despite his wrinkled and tired-looking eyes. His strong jaw and cheeks were still youthfully soft, and accented thickly with scratchy dark stubble. His exhausted eyes are sharp green, dressed in round-rimmed glasses, under a troubled mantle of thick, worried eyebrows.

The fatted bulk of his 6' foot tall frame stretches out the massive dark brown coat draped over his heavy body, that coat held open at the front merely because it isn't quite big enough to stretch over his heavy body. The dark-stained, patchwork jacket smells like tobacco smoke, alcohol and sweat.

His rounded chest and waist are both outward-jutting, deep and hard at a touch, his belly like a vast bulging cauldron of iron. His shoulders and upper arms are heavy in burly rounded forms - well-muscled and broadly built.
He's strong... But he's clearly unexercised and sedentary, a plush softness padding those muscled arms.

Between his legs...

A bloated, throbbing male member, visibly-pulsing and sagging in 16" inch half-erection, pendulously massive in its size, drooped half hard from the tangle of dark pubic hair on his his lap; always stretching out a toweringly tall, throbbing tent in the crotch of his leather trousers. That 16" inch monster of an overgrown dick is always seen lurching and stretching against his clothing in seemingly permanent sagging half-tumescence.

Dauntingly hung, over 4" inches thick, those drooping 16" inches of monstrous size are fed by a toweringly long web of ugly, branching, rubbery dark-blue veins as thick as a woman's pinky finger, running from his fat base toward the tip. The glans is a solid, rock-hard and fist sized, that thick-rimmed tip deep reddish purple and solid to touch, usually winking open at the urethra, threatening to drool out precum. The enormous shaft is grippable and thick when grasped, like squeezing a chubby but well-muscled arm.

Emerging from a tangle of black pubic hair, and equally daunting as his cock, a pair of huge, heavy nuts utterly fills the gap between his broad thighs - 5" inch diamater fist-sized testes utterly overproducing an overbearing amount of cum at all times as those nuts they sag in a stretched sack.

Green: Women, premature and frequent ejaculation, stomach bulging, breeding, vaginal, oral, non-penetrative sex, hand/boob/butt/thigh-jobs
Lime Green(Mood-dependent): Femboys, anal
Red (Just not interested): Men, gore in an ERP setting, underage, etc
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human