Kleff Winterhoof

Portrait Save
Height: 6'6
Weight: 205 lbs
Hair:  Dark Brown
Eyes:  Honey Brown
Age: 26
Gender: Shemale
Race:  Half Minotaur
Origin:  Toril - Spine of the World

Physical Description:

The woman is decidedly more human than bovid, yet bovid enough for this not to be so.  A fine layer of soft brown fur covers her shins, down to a pair of cloven hooves.  This same patch of fur can be found on her muscular, well toned forearms, though for the most part, this is covered by her leather bracers.

With honey brown eyes that consume the entire iris like an animal, she wears a look of disinterest and seems unapproachable due to her demeanor and her imposing physique of well knotted muscle.  Apart from the fur on her appendages, the rest of her would be chocolate brown, sun kissed skin drawn tight over well defined sinewed muscles and vasculature.  The odd scar of discolored flesh would be noticeable on her abdomen, chest, and thick biceps.  A single glance would tell you Kleff likes to fight.

While she seems intimidating, it is a closely guarded secret that Kleff desires to be a beautiful girl, and to be treated like one, despite how she might otherwise act.  A number of odd traits prevent this from being a possibility to most of the folk she's come across, however.  A set of horns, a long tail, digitrade, and thick, muscular limbs that seem just a touch out of place on such a classic feminine hourglass shape.  Oh.  And of course, the penis.

Green Lights:

Femdom, Lesdom, Rough play, rape play, love play, consentual play, feminine presenting characters,, women, trans women, shemales, and femboys.

Yellow Lights:

On occasion, I do like to see Kleff get railed by monstrous PC's, particularly minotaurs and orcs.  This is entirely based on how I'm feeling that day and also how I play with you.  It's a maybe, so don't get your feelings hurt if we have before and I start telling you no.

Red Lights:

I am primarily here to interact with people, tell stories and have a good time.  I'm not crazy about ERP all the time.  If you start to come on too strong, it is a major turn off.  I do not like it, and don't like playing that way.

*New Portrait by Syzygy!*
Player:Angel with a Shotgun
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human