Amaranth Angelf d'Eath

Amaranth, or Amy as she is known to friends and family, is a petite hin girl who looks to be in her early twenties.

Although pretty, there is something terribly "wrong" about this young lady.  Her pallid complexion is altogether too flawless to be natural and the glaring red eyes have the gaze of a predator. The flesh has been stripped from her left arm, leaving the bones naked, whilst tattered and discoloured dragon wings extend from her shoulder blades.

Those who observe her closely may notice that her chest seems to rise and fall only when she speaks or laughs.


People from Kissmet may recognise Amy as the daughter of Dina Angelf and hat-wearing human demilich, Headley d'Eath.

Born a dhampir, she has since become a blood lich- a very rare type of undead creature that is an amalgamation of lich and vampire.

Blood liches are created using a special variant of the lich's black potion, made from ashes and the blood of 13 creatures of magical or extra-planar origin. The high concentration of draconic blood (including that of two powerful dragons and an ice drake) in Amy's potion has caused her to manifest certain characteristics of half-dragons, such as wings.

Unlike standard liches, her body does not decay and with the exception of her tattered dragon wings and skeletal left arm, she looks much as she did in life. She cannot shapeshift into wolf or bat or command such creatures, but is unaffected by stakes, garlic, mirrors or running water. She finds bright sunlight uncomfortable, but it is not actually dangerous to her.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Halfling