Melantha Dark-Talon
Description | |
/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ########## Biography ############# \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ ------------------------------------------------------- Full name : Melantha Mar-Torel Pseudonym: Dark-Talon Race: Aasimar (Fallen). Age: 282 Years old. Place of birth: Mintar, Sea of Steams. Previous place of residence: Kingdom of Laguarda, Shining South, Faerun. Previous job: Inquisitor. Religion: Bane's Church Allegiance: Order of the Dark Gauntlet Rank: Dark Doom Personality: Usually quiet, militant, yet got some snark, a good yet dark sense of humor, and slow to anger. Not the most lovable woman, yet can show a form of attachement within certains limits and conditions. ------------------------------------------------------- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ########## Physical traits ########## \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ ------------------------------------------------------- Height: 6'3 (192 cm) Weight: Around 154 Lbs. (70 Kgs) Hair: Long, assembled in a long braid (Cold iron studs keep her hair in place), and pure white. Eyes: Crimson pools. Face: Angelic by most standard, if it wasn't for the contempt and sneer that exude from her sometime. Mouth: Sweet, kissable lips, usually painted Crimson or black. Figure: Extremely feminine, yet strong, powerful muscles bulging under her flawless skin, Strong thighs (will crush Watermelons), large tits, skull crushing hands, Round, strong buttcheeks (cracks nuts with them). Sex: To mid thighs. Sexuality: Will dominate your sorry ass till you beg for mercy, and unlikely to be gentle. Fighting style: Slices her enemies in halves. Very unsubtle. Traffic Lights: Purples: Religious RP, Long term RPs, Nemesises, kicking the cans Favs: Women, mostly, with a dick or not. Celestials (to bring down with her), Elves of all sorts. Dubious consent, rough sex, unprotected sex, sowing bastards in worthy wombs, humiliating her partners, vaginal and anal (G), Oral sex (G/R), Worshipping (R), Mid BDSM (Flogging, whipping, attaching, mild torture), not caring for her partners (usually), Forming a harem of submissive wives. Reds: Childs/Minors, Dwarves, Undeads (not vampire), Too muh gore, vore, scat, too much filth, server restrictions and rules, sticky characters, not assuming IC consequences. Tell friendly, will most likely ignore tells for sex and made up encounters. I prefer IC encounters by far |
Player: | Big Black Fist |
Gender (Visually): | Female |
Race (Visually): | Human |