Marquis Morgan

Age: Unknown
Race: Vampric human
Height: 6'2
Build: Tall but wiry, quick looking with long limbs.
Hair: Black, long, clean looking, somewhat shiny.
Eyes: Dark and piercing.

Marquis was a human noble, once upon a time, a time which has long since passed for this now dead man. Accursed with vamprism, to his initial despair, he now embraces the dark fate that has embraced him.

Usually he is found to be dressed in dark colours, finery of noble design, rich silks and cuts meant for those of proper breeding. When ever he finds himself out in the wilds, or elsewhere that holds a great deal of combat, leathers are the material of choice, looking much the part of a woodsman or game keeper.

Long hair frames a face that is pale yet richly angled, noble features not being by name alone. His gaze seems ever-watchful, those dark orbs taking in all around him with a cautious confidence that betrays either a greater awareness of things or a paranoid set deeply within.

His body is that of a warrior, quick and precise, small but steel-tight muscles coursing his tall frame.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human