Diajen L. Bandawax

Portrait Save
Can't hug every cat.

[Updated 10/6/2017]
+Table of Contents+
~Plain Biography
~Detailed Biography
~Traffic Lights
~OOC Info

+Plain Biography+
Given Name~Diajen.
Middle Initial~L.
Family Name~Bandawax.
Race~Strongheart Halfling.
Apparent Age~23.
Height~1.1m / 3'8"
Build~Plump with a bit of chubbiness to
~her in general, even her tummy, but
~especially her hips. God damn them hips.
Hair~Messy raven black locks with a slight
~curl and bob to them, some of which
~were pulled into long tight braids.
Skin~Soft and tanned, or soft and pale
~where the sun hadn't had the chance to
~tan her. Blemishes were almost unheard of.
Eyes~Large, vibrant, and very violet.
Piercings~Yep, she has some on her face.
Tattoos~Purple swirls on her right arm,
~going from her wrist to her shoulder.
Scent~Perfume reminiscent of cinnamon.
Voice~Often jovial, with some strange
~mishmash of accents from all over.

+Detailed Biography+
 A small woman only by height, Diajen was a chubby hin, adorned by often wild clothes, numerous piercings, and messy braided hair. To some, she was a typical woman of her kind by appearance, and to others not quite. Though likely the wild eyes were not quite as expected.

 Her vibrant violet eyes were often wide and scanning the world around her with curiosity, suspicion, joy, and a pinch of mischievousness. One could say she was hard to read due to her manic swings from here to there, but generally she held an aura of high spirits, gay wonder, and rather tongue-in-cheek approaches to conversation.

 For a hin, or depending on region? Like a hin! She had curves, curves here, curves there! She was unabashedly chubby, filled out just about everywhere, especially including the small woman's ass and tits. Though it was with pride, she still carried herself strangely, as her feet appeared to face each other more than they did whatever was in front of her.
A bit of an odd quirk.

 Her clothes were often wild, befitting one of her people; that is, a gypsy hin. Gathered from many sources, but put together with purpose. Jewelry such as necklaces, bangles, and her piercings were common. Perhaps even more common, was her habit of wearing clothing that accentuated her ass and tits, either by showing them off through skimpy clothing, or through everyone's favorite; skintight garb.

 Underneath such wild garments that she wore, was her soft, smooth, and honestly hairless skin; either through meticulous grooming or genetics, it was hard to tell. Her natural skin tone was pale albeit with rather visible tan lines; which upon thought of her usual style of dress, and other such habits, could make one wonder how she even had them. But they looked good!

 Not that kind of hole!

+Traffic Lights+

+OOC Info+
Nothing that I do in-character is done personally unto you as a player. Try to keep IC & OOC separate.

Search up ".lane" on nwn.sinfar.net for other characters.

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Halfling