
General Description:

Tall, powerful and very broad of shoulder, this warrior tops out at six foot seven and if his herculean physique is anything to go by looks like he must weight close to three hundred pounds, and not an ounce of it fat.

He bears the face of a devilishly handsome male drow, but his body is that of an extremely well muscled human with the inky black skin of a drow. The iris' of his eyes are jet black, though occasionally they have a red tint to them, when he shifts his vision over to the infrared spectrum for instance.

His skin is smooth, the rock hard muscles beneath rippling like those of a hunting cats as he moves, gracefully and fast.

Always presenting himself well, his hair is at all times cut and styled immaculately, as well as oiled, and he smells faintly of just a hint of cologne, almost imagined instead of cloying.

When speaking in public or around others he is cultured and polite, rarely raising his voice or losing his temper, his face almost always set in a charming half smile that none the less does not reach his eyes.

Unarmoured Description:

At almost all times he is wrapped in an extremely beautiful cloak, normally covering him completely and held closed in front with a clasp in the shape of a beautiful Drow woman crushing a large spider in the palm of her hand, the Emblem of his house.

The cloak itself is as black as the void, making him almost disapear from sight completely when wrapped in it and with the hood raised. A number of gemstones looking to each bear the cost of a small city are woven into the collar of the cloak and into the hood, each bearing a unique magical effect of some kind.  

His clothing is always of finest cut and weave and the most expensive of materials, and it is clear that he has plenty of wealth to throw around.

However, unlike most of his race he does not cover himself in expensive jewelry, wearing only a ring or two, other than his ears, the lobes and cartledge of which are decorated with several hoops and studs.

Armoured Description:

When prepared for battle or war, his armour is fashioned of Darkforged Mithril. Runes and inscriptions line the breastplate, and to anyone with the sight to see it veritably glows with powerful enchantments.

It is very durable, protecting him from all but the most powerful of blows, but extremely lightweight, not for a moment interfering with his speed in battle.

At all times, armoured of not, a pair of curved blades hang sheathed at each hip, while the hilt of a large ornate sword can be seen over his shoulder. Two of the blades at his hip are twinned, the pommels set with several gemstones and the blades lined with inscriptions, while the other two are different from each other.

One glows with a faint red light, while the other bears an orange glow, the two twinned blades glowing not at all.

It is likely that he has other weapons secreted upon his person as well.

Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Half-Orc