Tharistan Ashalloman

Portrait Save
Name: Tharistan Ashalloman
Age: Appears to be an attractive 45-50,  actual age is approx. 100.
Race: Werewolf (Appears human generally also has a pinch of dragon blood.)
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 225 lbs
Orientation: Generally Hetero, but really He's not overly concerns with the gender of his partner.

General description:

Before you stands the very tall and thick muscled Tharistan or Thar to most. A veritable wall of muscle, he boasts broad shoulders and well toned chest which tapers to a narrower well defined waist.

His skin is deeply tanned and weathered, bringing to mind one who has spent years out at sea. Even his slight swaying walk suggests one more suited to the tip and jostle of a boat on the waves. Though of course anyone who knows Tharistan knows well enough he's scarcely spent much time at sea. Scars seem to mark his weathered hide here and there aged and healed over.

His neatly trimmed beard tends to be a little scruffier these days and his warm wheat colored hair has turned a pale snowy white.Laugh lines seem to have permanently engraved themselves at the corner of his pale blue eyes and he is beginning to show other, albeit faint, signs of age.

A warm smile usually tugs the corners of his lips and a good natured chuckle always at the ready. Family seems to be of the utmost importance to the man, there is little he would not do for those he loves and holds close.

But wait ...there's more!

Werewolf Form:

Should our dear Thar be pushed too far and that well honed but limited control falter, he becomes a rather massively furry beast. In werewolf form Thar stands at or around 10 feet in height and sprouts a thick soft warm coat of snowy white fur. His body more of a wolf than human though stands up right. Arms and legs end in sharply clawed paws powerful enough to knock a mans head clean off his shoulders. His ability to control his temper seems to falter in this form however, quick to anger and violence.

And more still!!

Winterwolf Form;

Even in this form, that of what appears to be a relatively simple white furred wolf, he is huge. Sitting, his head would rest above 5 feet. Otherwise she is a lovely specimen of a winter wolf. Thick sleek coat of snowy white covers the ripple of powerful muscle beneath. and while he cannot seem to speak in this form, he will reach out telepathically to those around him, (this of course is easily blocked by what ever means and never forced on anyone.) And as with his hybrid form, Thar's temperament is far more feral.

Character Notes:

~He is the father six children. The oldest his son Arrick (Now a daughter Arri), product of his time with his former wife, Kasumi. The other three, E'riam, Ry'xiel and Zax, his half-nymph triplets, born during his time with Ely. And his youngest duo, Faolan and Conell, born perhaps miraculously by his lover Kururu. His children, though they may cause him no end of grief, are his pride and joy.

~he's sexy and he knows it

~He seems to have developed a terrible possessive streak along with his wolfish change that doesn't ever seem to go away and is only amplified the more he cares about some one.

~Thanks to Kururu's player and a very talented artist, Spearfrost, Thars portrait is exactly what he looked like in his younger days save for the lacking tats.  

((Send a tell for the lights, open to most rp save scat and anything else against server rules. Play fair and I will too! always looking for a good story and plot))

Player:And the wicked shall be brought down
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human