Ayem Analure

(Character is a shapechanger, as such the below description is for her true/native form, which may not always match up perfectly with her current appearance)

A curious creature with a decidedly feminine figure, with two curving tentacles adding a second set of limbs to the normal four of a proper humanoid, their anchoring on the back of her head might suggest they where a replacement for or this creature's self styled improvement on humanoid hair, either way they much like the rest of her looked shiny and well polished.

While often fond of wearing clothes she was clearly made of some amorphous, goo-like substance and so probably did not need to be garbed as a matter of survival, perhaps it was an attempt at being comfortable? Wether to look at or for herself is hard to deduce from mere observation.

Obviously, she might be able to change her form and assignment of either gender would purely be a matter of habit for most purposes. Still she seemed prone to sticking to a native, female form for most of her time and comfortable doing so.


Greens: player is fond of rp, so all kinds of interactions are welcome, from friendly to rivalry,  casual to intimate, carrousing to predatory, there's little that doesnt have the potential at least to make for an interesting time. In terms of kinks, well, her pliable, fluid nature makes her able to do unto others and be done unto in turn about as far as the imagination can stretch. This applies both to males and females and most things in between btw, she migth have tentacles but that doesnt mean she's into ladies only!

yellows: Death and dismemberment doesnt really apply to a creature who can reform lost limbs and has no permanent internal anatomy to loose, but that doesnt mean she'll enjoy it.

Reds: the only fluids she's interested in do not involve bodily waste, ie pee, poop and the like goes in the toilet, nowhere else. Other than that the player is pretty open to go with the flow as far as roleplay is conserned.
Player:The Fenrin
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human