Kay Vai Val Shakagra

Never start a fight, but always end it.

Kay Vai Val´Shakagra

The man before you sits cross legged in the meadow. The first thing you would see were the loose white Gi he was carrying which allowed the body to move its limbs freely. A light woolen cloak was wrapped around his shoulders to protect the man from wind and weather. The skin carries the color of the night and a pair of frayed pointed ears reveals the heritage of the wanderer. The face of the male drow was aged and several scarlines mar the face where battle of the past has taken their toll.

The shape was measuring to six feet, yet by now the body made a hard-bitten, graceful impression, toned with muscles to move. His steps were silent and calm like a hunters calm and patient pace.  Under the coolie hat rests a dark skinned face. Those who know one of the Shakagra brethren, like Varnon or Kjar would see a familiar face.  On the man´s face was resting a calm and even expression as his head turns to you while you look. The skin showing the weatherworn roughness of someone who would spend a lot of time outside and would do manual work. A distinct scent of wild, leaves, herbs and fresh wild garlic would stick to his skin. The most prominent feature the man would have was though a white blindfold that covered his eyes. A closer look would show small marks of burned skin close to his eyes which are mostly covered by the white silk. A white mane was tied partly into braids and small metal shards and gems were woven into the hair. Along his side would lay a long staff, aiding him along his path and by his side on his belt were resting two sharp twinkling hooks.  Yet his steps seem to betray the fact that even with his sight missing, he would very well find his way.

You could see in the man´s hands idly resting a half done figurine of an animal or person dear to him, made of ivory or jade. A thin knive for carving slipping in slow patient shifts over the surface to bring form to the material one stroke at a time. More often than not, if your gaze turns to the side you could see a large wolf resting by the man´s side. Its ears would be perked and a pair of yellow eyes would returns your stare with an aware look, before the snout would turn to the side and nudge the males side.

((Red lights are the usual ones. Player is very tell friendly, if curious shoot one. From rough and hard bitten to gentle is all possible depending on person and occasion.))
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Half-Elf