Kald Benes

A nightmare horse risen from the deepest reaches of the hells by the power of a conjuring sorcereress. The massive stallion of ebony flesh rippling along the whole of its being with mane and tail a burning crimson as hell winds would come about to stroke over its powerful body.

The sorcereress used the great beast for aeons in rampaging through her homeland, wielding its power through her being and causing untold destruction and chaos.  In the end, she came to find her power being drained from her as the nightmare turned her darkest fears in on her and left her a dried husk of her former self. Having taken her magical control over varying magics, the nightmare beast was able to transform itself into a humanoid entity of physical power, destructive force and exuding untold amounts of charismatic appeal.

Humanoid Height: 10'11"
Body: Solid muscle, obsidian black in hue; hairless.
Mane and tail: Crimson as hell fire, silken in texture; long.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Uknown