Lorauvial Hammerjaws

This member of Hin folk seems to stride forward rather determined of her destination, even if her footing seems bit off at the times. Usually she wears baggy shirts and breeches common to sailors and their kind.

Of weapons this slightly tanned hin usually wears blade of some sort or another, while flintlock rests stuck into her belt. Inteligent but not very focused green eyes survey the scene often looking into distance.

Her left forearm carries an tattoo of hammer shark over an anchor and thin scroll forming upturned crescent around the middle. Words "Blaze of glory is for the enemy" decorate the scroll itself. On back of her neck is another tattoo this time waves, symbol of Umberlee.

Hin's hair is usually dyed into some odd colour, while her scent is stongly of salt, sea and lacquer. At times it might be one of rum.

Lights - Erm.. dunno, will tell you when I do not like something. Mostly its bathroom stuff, rape and enslavement that I will deny outright. Rest goes by mood.
Player:Angelo Nero
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Halfling