
        ~8( Hesturi )8~

~+Hesturi is a half-minotaur, with what appeared to be tanar'ri blood in the mix.
~+Hesturi is a hermaphrodite. Big surprise.
~+Due to one of her parents being a minotaur, Hesturi stood rather tall, coming in at 6'8".
~+She weighed a lot. Let's leave it at that.
~+Hesturi's wing span was close to 16 feet across.
~+Her milk-filled breasts were big enough to kill, not just others but potentially herself as well, should they hit her in the face. That's probably why she wears a helmet all the time.
~+Her skin was tanned with a thin layer of dark brown fur covering it.
~+Her hair was slightly darker than the rest of her fur, being choppy and feathered out. Often her hair stuck out from the bottom of her helmet, if she happened to be wearing it.
~+Her eyes were as red as red could get, though they did not resemble the eyes of a human by far, covering most of her eyes with that red coloration.
~+Her tongue was fatter and much longer than normal, putting other lesser tongues to shame surely!
~+Her left leg was covered in armoring from her knee to her foot, as if trying to make up for something.

      ~8( More Details )8~

~--Hesturi was a big titted monster to summarize her up quickly. She wore no shirt, and whether or not she cud or not was unknown. She really had very little shame, if possible, she would likely be udderly naked all the time.

Though since Hesturi's prime cut of life she has gotten a bit fatty, she was still relatively strong. If not for her apparent leg injury, she would of likely beefed up a bit more by now, though since she would hurt herself being like her old self or otherwise trying to be, the steaks were just too high.

Often Hesturi wore a horned helmet, adorned with the all too real horns of possibly a fallen minotaur, and then just below those her own horns protruded out. Her nature made her seem as if she was always ready to use those horns of hers on unsuspecting folks.

Atop her usually bare chest were two enormous breasts, of udderly massive proportions. Tipping each of her huge milk-filled breasts sloshing and bouncing about dangerously, were big stiff dark brown nipples on each breast. Despite the model, there were no piercings.

Her tail was fiendish in nature surely, looking like it belonged on a succubus or something along those lines. Covering the pointed tip of her tail was a big tuft of dark brown fur, making the point far less harmful than it normally might be.

The half-minotaur had rather wide hips, holding the appearance of being motherly. She had thick and juicy legs all the way down to those large minotaur hooves, and a branding upon her right calf. The concentration of fur getting thicker the further down and closer to those hooves one got.

Inbetween her legs was not one, but two huge furry sheaths hanging down just infront of two incredibly and overly swollen balls. Just the sheaths alone hung down a foot and were extremely apparent from those looking inbetween her legs, loincloth or not.

When Hesturi got excited, aroused, horny, whatever one wants to call it, her huge dual cocks slipped out of their sheaths rather wetly, being covered in some sort of natural lubrication within her sheaths.

To say her dual erections were intimidating was an understatement, seeing as each one extended out sixteen inches PAST the sheath and were five inches thick each. Apparently her breasts weren't the only things on her body big enough to kill.

Her ballsack resting just behind those dual shafts swayed and clapped against her thighs lewdly as she walked, or sometimes against the backs of her sheaths when they were otherwise flaccid. Her balls swelled up and filled to the absolute brim with her creamy thick minotaur seed.

~8( Traffic Lights )8~

~--Red Lights

~--Yellow Lights

~--Green Lights

The first thing you should know is that I don't bite hard. The second thing is that Hesturi is evil and kind of sick in the mind, this means she will do many strange and sometimes demented things to your character should redlights not deter her actions being unleashed. This may result in temporary death, maiming, you name it!

*Necrophilia is not a red, rotting things are! Hesturi may hump a character until they die, or hump an undead that is otherwise not nasty yet, or even just hump that lifeless corpse. She don't give a damn, and that's probably her fiendish side doing the thinking.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human