That Gnome

Name(s):  Chalsie Tyanne Bebs Allindorooo, Kitten Bingles, Torranorotcho, Indlebeeeg Stripteee, Giggles The Appearer, Boopmittle Alindorooo

Age:  70 (gnomes live about 350 years-just a note for me!)

Height: 3'2"
Weight: About 37 pounds

Sex: Female

Hair:  Green(obviously  dyed..but how?! :D)
Eyes: Blue

Patron: Garl Glittergold

Profession: Engineer, Conjurer
Art Profession: Painter

Birth Pet: Her birth pet was a Ferret.

Extra Gnomish Special Abilities: dancing lights, ghost sound and prestidigitation

Languages: Gnome, Common.

She grew up in a typical gnomeish village, with her family. She went to school, learned her trade and grew up pretty normal. Now she's out and about, adventureing!

(Note. Not a pvp char.)
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Gnome