Roselyn Grey

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Race: Appears Human
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: Slightly above Average
Hair: Raven Black
Eyes: Bright Sapphire Blue

Busty, lean, and mature were perhaps the best ways to describe this woman. Though obviously not a youngster she was neither what one would consider old. Appearing to be in her late 30s or early 40s she was still quiet the looker. Raven hair cascaded down past her shoulders, reaching almost to her waist, well kept and possessing a natural curl to the long strands.

She wore a minimum of make up, a bit of eye shadow and painted lips being all the vanity she allowed herself, though in truth she did not need more. The often red painted lips had a natural poutiness to them, as if begging to be kissed in a moment of passion. Long lashes framed startlingly bright blue eyes full of life and a bit of wisdom.

Moving downwards, one could not help but notice the large orbs that formed her chest, easily a DD or an E in size, they had a natural sag to them that proved no magic was involved in her possession of them. From there her body curved inwards, taught stomach helping to give her an almost hourglass shape before her slender waist flared back outwards to child baring hips and a firm round buttocks.

Moving ever downwards one would next become aware of her legs, the two shapely pillars having that defined musculature of one who practices dance. Toes as well as fingers had the nails painted deep crimson, well manicured and cared for.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human