
Starting out as a simplistic puddle of black ooze, this entity was created by the Arch Fiend Katanika and through many years and progressions, did it come ot evolve and grow in mind as well as body.

It now stands an imposing force of living slime, so black that it would appear to suck in all light like a void. Its moving exterior of black slime not sticky to the touch but like liquid silk as it moved over the whole of its being.

Though it is slime and thus considered genderless, it seems this particular force has shaped its body into that of an appealing masculine physique of muscle even if it seemed to lack any show of genitiles between its powerful looking thighs. Likewise, it would gaze out into the world with eyes a rather appealing and alluring emerald, fluorescent green color.

When it chooses to speak, it speaks out with a somewhat cultured, baritone  voice through a mouth that only appears to be present on its face when it speaks. Likewise there does not appear to be any sign of a nose or ears, as if it is simply a living construct with his own desires and choices.

He is, by his own choice of naming himself, Zaiyne. (pronounced: Zay-n)
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Half-Orc