
Race: Living Construct
Sex: Physical traits appear female
Age: Modeled to look like a young adult
Height: 6'0"
Weight: Far, far heavier than she looks
Body Type: Hourglass
Skin: Steel grey
Hair: None
Eyes: Luminecent yellow

Although a first glance might make one believe this creature nothing more than an armored woman, closer examination reveals she is not organic, but carefully formed metal. Her face and body modeled to look like an attractive female in her twenties, but with a cold, emotionless expression always etched upon her face. Her voice, unsurprisingly, is hollow and metallic when she speaks.

OOC: If the only thing you're looking for is a random; 'wham, bam, thank you ma'am' type of RP, then you'll be wasting your time trying with this character.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human