

Walking by is a sudden creature of attention stealing qualities. Drifting through throngs of people almost unnoticed passing by, he at first seems like little more than a pale face in the heart of shadows. The quiet stranger becomes gradually more defined however, as if a veil of night was being pulled off his body and he began to take more material shape. Standing just a bit above average height, he is a comely man with a gaunt and clean shaven face and eyes of a mismatched moss green, and icy grey blue.

He stalks by with the softest of steps, barely noticed at first, and then drawing a bit of attention from more mundane folk with a captivating and earthly aura that lends strength and solidity to a body of rounded mounds of thick sinew that twist with his movements from his broad shoulders down to a pair of strong and defined legs that seem capable of great feats of agility and physical exertion.

His brawn woven biceps are each decorated with murals of artfully depicted ink, with a cloud of ravens set over storming clouds racing from the back of his hand up his powerful arm, across his shoulder and back down the side of the muscle contorted channels of his tightly stretched torso. On the opposing arm is a stone sentinel that spans only from shoulder to elbow, glaring with eyes of fire and a claymore clutched at rest in its eternal grasp.

Those few familiar with tribal custom would also note his hair twisted into three short and thin braids along the left of his comely visage, sometimes tucked comfortably behind the tip of his ear, but usually hanging at a stubborn rest down along his cheek to reach the life of his jaw. Their cultural significance would imply that he has won three duels in single combat over the course of his young life.


Red - Bathroom play, small races

Green - Being approached for rp

==== I am afraid that is all you get, you will have to rp for more, though I tend to be tell friendly if you have questions =====
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human