
Note: Now the property of her Mistress Chaelana Cyandaul.

This cute young Human girl stumbles about the place as if she had two left feet. She is the shy type, only feeling at ease out among nature.

Her shyness makes it very difficult for her to string a sentence without stuttering like a complete fool. This lack of confidence, and lack of experience with others, makes her overly trusting and easily taken advantage of.

She is very submissive in her nature.

Race: Human
Age: 20
Hair: Light Blonde(Altered constantly for her Mistress)
Height: 5'6
Eyes: Green
Gender: Originally Female (She was magically altered and now sports an animal  like sheath and a large scrotum filled with two swollen  testicles abover her female parts)

Reds: Toilet play, blood.

Greens: Everything else pretty much. Just ask if you want to try something you are not sure about..

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human