
Race: Elf Demon
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown
Build: Slim and muscular
Skin: Dark Red and smooth
Hair: Jet Black, soft, and slicked back
Eyes: Reddish Orange

He appears to be in his mid twenties, retaining his dominantly elven features yet dwarfs his regular elven brethren in both height and muscle, most likely due to his demonic stature. One of the most noticable features is his large horns protruding from his hairline. Just below this one would notice a black band of woven metal fibers wrapped around his eyes. The band is glowing cherry red around his eye sockets from some unknown heat source. Large black feathered wings protrude from his back, encrested at the top with a magical armor. One could only imagine what ramming damage these could do to an opponent if flying at full speed. A pointy red tail pokes out from his backside, adorned with a few sharp points, yet mostly smooth. He adorns magical armor, imbued with the protection of his creator. He can be seen carrying a rather large scythe. It is said that this magical weapon was forged in the depths of hell and is constantly ablaze in flame, waiting for its next chance to sear through flesh. During battle he removes his eye wrappings, exposing eyes ablaze with fire. The crown of his head also becomes engulfed in flame. Creating a bright orange glowing aura around himself.

Hailing from Dumary Island, Bornbazine is commanded by his creator to explore far off lands as Argosax's Doomsinger and keeper of his flame. He now finds himself on another plane and has taken a liking to this Island of Sinfar. Perhaps he'll stay for awhile.

(/)RED(/): Poo-poo, men, limb removal, bloody scenes, torture, nechrophilia, pedophilia, perma action without permission

?YELLOW?: Watersports, herm's, recieving anal, whacky insertions, pregnancy

!GREEN!: Women, large breasts, bondage, dominant, submissive, rough erp, slow sensual erp, large insertions, giving/recieving oral, giving anal, excessive cum, bloating, relationship

Have any questions? Ask! I'm 100% tell friendly. Reds I'll probably never do. Yellows I never initiate, but I almost always give in if asked to do them. Greens I'm always up for. My character is single and fully open to an IC relationship. :)
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human