Karya Stormborn

A tall, slender woman of a blue teint to her skin strolls into view; her well-defined musculature is further emphasised by an intricate pattern of runes around the contures of her arms, legs and bust.

Usually clad in an assortment of furs, leather and fetishes, most of her charms would be hidden beneath her shamanistic garb. Should the curtain fall, however, one would note a set of soft, supple breasts topped with dark blue nipples riding over a muscular abdomen that seamlessly leads down towards the frostling's crotch area. There, one would find quite large ice cream cone, uncut and laced with the same runes that cover her body along every protruding vein about its girth and the set of night fist sized testes beneath it.

From a kneeling point of view, one might peek behind those cum-filled orbs to find only smooth skin and prehaps the tip of her tail, should an impish streak ride her. Said tail usually lays lazily draped around one of her slender, firm calves, its spate tip adorned with a trio of serrated shark's teeth pierced through the skin in a parrallel angle, making it a more lethal than enticing lash.

Reds: You.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human