Eyowin Celestria


Age: 24
Race: Elf
Gender: Female
Physical Traits: 34C Breasts, Height 6'1". Black Hair, Slender
Attitude: Happy and Cheerful, Outgoing, Fun
Class: Druid/Shifter/Monk

Hatred, the only thing I ever knew as a child. My parents were cruel and beat me and never did show me a drop of respect. My life was surrounded always by a shroud of darkness and pain.

I ran away from home when I was 14 never saying a word to my parents or any of my friends. My only hope was to get as far away as possible from my parents and their cruelness. As I wandered alone through a forest, I then felt lost and confused. I sat down and began to cry out in pain and agony letting all those years of suffering break free from my body. I stayed under the same tree for 3 days crying to myself and feeling alone and empty in this world.

I would have died out there if a kindly woodsman in the shape of a bear didnt save me from the pack of wolves I didn't see that were closing in on me. He took me back into his cottage in a village I still to this day do not know what its name is, but there he taught me all the aspects of nature and how to come to respect life and protect those from the pains of this world.

This kindly man, and my master taught me how to change my physical being into the shapes of the many animals that i needed when I became desperate. Sooner then later the forest became my home where I spent my time tending for the animals and living with my master.

It wasn't until a few months ago that a young man caught my eye as he was walking through the forest. We talked for a few weeks and he frequently came to see me and as did I. I began to grow further apart from my master until eventually this man took me to his city where he lived called Sinifer. There I live wondering if my master misses me or hopes that I will return someday. As for that decision.......I will see all in good time.

In time I felt trapped within city life, so I stepped away from the city and ran back into nature where my home really was. I wandered around in the woods and came accross a lake where I build my home next too. This was my next permanent home for the time. One day I was walking along the beach and I ran accross a group of female dryads. They all seemed so happy and cheerful that I just walked right up and started to talk with them. I became oblivious to time as we ran through the forests giggling and playing with each other. They practically adotped me as their sister. One night as we were sitting under the stars, we began to touch one another, thats when I lost my virginity to a woman, it was the most amazing feeling in the world, and too this day I still love women.

I finally decided to split my life between the forest and the city, enjoying the life of the city and the forest and staying with my dryad girl friends.

Multi-Person Sexual Interaction (3+ People)
Any Fetish Related Sex

Sexual Interaction Without RP
Male Sexual Interaction
Male Interaction

Forest Related
Nature Related
Wilderness Related
Female Sexual Interaction
Female Sex Toys
Player:Dedicated Blade
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf