Alexis Verdmere

Willful wench of sharp eyes and keen wit, this demure beauty of a woman was a shapely specimen of her kind with long, toned, legs leading up to a well rounded hips and flawlessly firm ass, going up an hourglass waistline led to a well endowed chest on the high end of C cups or possibly a low D, finally her face often framed by a well groomed cowl of rich silken hair, soft pouty lips and a piercing pair of lustrous eyes completed her entierly symmetrical visage.

The form of her humanoid frame was that of a humanoid gynosphinx. Endowing her with some tell-tale feline traits, among them her firm lithe curves, feathery wings, fuzzy catlike ears and a tail likewise coated with black fur marking her frame as a fetching blend of beauty and beastly traits.

Red lights include the usual suspects of matters illegal per server rules, also scat, bodyfluids other than cum and dismemberment/torture, yes it can happen and no I dont want it to.

Green lights would include being raped. Forceful sex, use of blackmail or other agressive means of seduction are aprroved and the beastly crowd is welcome to do as their instincts bid them to, but if you prefer dub-con to non-consentual or even consentual cotius, you pervert you, feel free to have your way. Naturally expect her to respond like a sensible lady, at least for the first few sessions.

As for a proper list of kinks: Anal, Blindfolds, Bondage, Cumplay, Cunnilingus, Dominance (ie Giving orders and the like), Fellatio, Fingerplay, Fisting, Large Insertions, Multiple Insertions, Multiple Partners , Petting both heavy and light, Submission play (ie being given orders and the like), Tentacles, Toys and tool use, Wax, Webs and other sticky things.

And finally, for partners, Females, Males, anything between and of any species are all potentially interesting to play with, though she'll be somewhat more likely to innitiate interactions with someone who looks and acts like a sentient person, beasts and perverted critters will likely have to press their point if they want to get some.

Player:Dire Dreams
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human