Evangeline 'Eva' of House Greydeath

Cold.... so very very cold, that night will always chill her to the bone as her blood was drained away till the very last drop, her body shaking uncontrollably, her life slipping from her fingers as she tried to hold to it so very tight... sliding further and further away as finally the darkness closed around her, the last sensation her lovers lips still locked against her throat..... feeding.....

There comes a time when every fairy tale must end and harsh truths must be accepted. When the things that go bump in the night get louder and louder its time for something to step up, and bump back.

**Warning** This character is essentially a Vigilante, This means if you are evil, they will actively attempt to hunt and kill you without remorse, compassion, mercy or relenting in any way. They will kill you at the most inopportune and inappropriate time possible, they will hurt you in as personal a way as they can and they will actively try to make your life hell. Nothing personal, You have been warned, Come close to this character or be known by this character if you are evil at your own risk.

(Character concept)
Female 'Punisher' and Vigilante.

(commonly asked question..)
What is a revanent?....

Revanents are mortals that have had something very bad done to them during there life before they died, twisted by anger and hate, they allow those emotions to coil inside of them as they die, infesting there soul with it, they hunger for vengeance, Because of this they may be brought back more easily into a near life form that is still in essence undead. There soul purpose in life being the extinction of whatever evil caused them to have vengeance in there heart int he first place.

Height - 5-5
Weight - !!!!
Eyes - Grey/Blue
Hair - Black/sometimes dyed white blonde.
Race - Human/Revanent
Build - 34-24-34 (Petite Hourglass)

-An ongoing glamor spell is on her causing her looks to be as you see here, what you see is what you get, send tell if you believe you can somehow see around it.-

Evangeline, or Eva as she often prefers to be called is almost always dressed in simple leathers that hug her frame tight and press close to her flesh. Although small in stature and weight she has something of an odd aura that lingers about her and gives most a feeling of uneasiness in her presence. If you feel her skin it would be cold to the touch almost like a corpses might yet at the same time on the outside she seems perfectly healthy if abit pale.

She carries at her hip a sword that is hung from a series of belts that hold several pouches and other trinkets, on the hilt of the blade is a holy symbol of Hoar, the god of vengeance and retribution.

She prefers to keep herself hidden under cloaks and hoods but if one sees beneath they would notice she is actually quite beautifull, a chiseled set of features looking to be sculpted from fine soft marble that give her a sort of natural earthy beauty. The one off setting feature perhaps being her eyes wich seem almost completely devoid of any life, they are a corpses eyes and look through most they look at.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Half-Elf