General Boilerplate

Name: ASV-BT 2-01 Codename: Boilerplate
Age: Few months old, newest invention of a certain mechanic.
Height: Around 11'4", towers on battlefields.
Weight: Enough to crach a bench just by putting his foot on it.

Description: Steam and smoke spew from a small chimney on top of his military bolted in shako hat as this metal colossus walks the street. His feet hitting the ground with a loud thud and clank of his metal components. As his arms and legs move a groan of the metal can be heard. His metal head, with well defined metal jawline, would glance around the street in curiosity as his mechanical eyes with sea-blue iris would glance to the passer-bys. He would often be seen stroking the large metal mustache on his lip as he pondered or something, or found nothing better to do in his idleness. There would be a metallic pipe in his mouth, smoke puffing from it from time to time. His torso looks like what his name implies it to be, bunch of brass plates bolted together to form this humongous form. His voice is deep and booming, he speaks with a heavy Rashmi accent (Eastern European). There is a large sabre hanging from his belt as well as equally large revolver, more like a hand-cannon-pistol, designed to fit his hand.

Personality: He is more of a "gentle-giant" type of person, acting like a grandfather to anyone he meets. He always looks to fulfill a good deed and help others. He kids often and always offers a good advice.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Half-Orc