Isioviel Aloscia

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What shall we say about Isioviel? She's an Elf of average height and build. Breasts neither too larger or too small for her lithe frame. Her blonde hair falls shoulder length on her body and is almost always falling a little bit over her face. Her lips stained a vibrant blue that is readily apparent to the eye. Which actually brings us to her eyes... These are the one thing that look strange on the woman. Unnatural almost in their white on blue color.

I'm not really going to say much more since basically she is what she appears to be on your screen. That's not to say that there's not more to Isioviel. In fact there is. No one truly knows who she is, not even her closest friends. Not even her lover nor her slaves knows and if I told you the rest.... Spoilers darling!

Player:A Good Lay
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf