
Gender: Male
Orientation: Pansexual
Height: Average elf size
Weight: Size-appropriate, rather light
Build: Slim, athletic.

Obviously a lizardkin of some sort, this one doesn't appear to be all that buff and strong as one would be expecting it from the regular lizardfolk that stalk about the streets. His scales are rather smooth and offer little protection against blades, being nowhere near as tough to pierce as dragon's scales would be, even if they might be a tad difficult for an old, dull dagger to harm. His body being completely hairless, as is expected for something covered in scales, he quite obviously takes care of his body as there's hardly any dirt found on it or grime, almost to the point of pampering.Far from a dragon, lacking wings and the usual regal appearance of one, he's nonetheless a rather nimble and agile individual. Lacking defined muscles, Izzard is however incredibly quick on his feet and equally handy with a rapier.

Posessing a certain roguish quality, this particular kin has been in a variety of situations where his skillset came in handy. Gaining minor notoriety in the South Seas as a pirate for a time, he's since paid off most his bounties and prefers staying on the mainland.


Quite tell friendly, don't hesitate to send something my way! More of a cock-sexual than pansexual though.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Elf