

That was the first thing she remembered, the blazing light of God bathing her face in warmth.
The mountaintop was deserted when she came to.  Her companions were still dead.
Her mother had been wrong, wrong about everything.  Rebirth hadn't met expectations.

It had exceeded them entirely.

  *   *   *

Astrid appears to be 3'10" ...perhaps pushing four feet tall.  With perfectly styled, dark purple hair and a complexion of porcelain, she watches the world through eyes light blue, like chips of ice.

If she notices you watching, she'd be likely to direct a blank stare in your direction, perhaps followed by looking down to her notebook and scribbling something.
Or frowning.  She does that a lot.  Runs in the family.

Astrid is always looking about.  Always watching.  Always searching.  All things can be found, with time.

Those few that touch her would find that upon contact, she radiates an immense warmth, heat pouring off of her in waves that cease the moment contact is broken.

  *   *   *

Porcelain, glass, gold and silver lace
These things make min of pose and grace
Amour, passion, death and desire
These are the thoughts she puts to fire.

- { OOC } -

SHORT CHARACTER ALERT: Yes, Astrid is short, but she is not a child, nor remotely child-like.  If thats where your mind goes when you see halfling characters... stay the hell away from me.  Thx.
Moving on.

I'm tell-friendly, but my character strictly follows where the roleplay leads... so if you're interested in her, talk to her not me.  That said, I'm a lot friendlier than Astrid is -- getting along with me and getting along with her are two very seperate things, and I make no promises as to Astrid.

Astrid is a fairly complex and multi-layered character, and can take some time to get to know.  She's also rude and weird.  ...and a bit dark.  If puzzles are your thing and sunshine isn't, Astrid might be.

- { Lights } -

Greens:  Creativity!  Engaging roleplay will be rewarded in kind.  Lasting relationships and non-ERP are always preferred to quicky one-offs.  ERP is the result of good roleplaying, rarely its beginning.

Yellow:  Permanent things, collaring, etc.  Just send me a tell :)

Reds:  One-dimensional characters, scat, pedos.  Players who mistake my character for me.  Players who mistake their own characters for themselves.  Players who mistake left and right.

Warning:  Processed in a facility that also processes tentacles.  May contain trace amounts of tentacle.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf