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Name: Varilus "Sabre" Ker'Lethalis
Gender: Male
Race: Avariel
Height: 5'7
Weight: 30 lbs
Age: 25 years


This sprightly young creature looks very much like a tall wood elf who's sprouted a pair of wings. He carries a distinct earthiness about him, and his gentle demeanor is more than welcoming.

His rusty red hair is cropped to frame his face, the locks feathery and soft, though often somewhat disheveled in appearance. The Avariel's features aren't as sharp as some of his elven kin, instead bearing a rather soft and almost feminine feel to their beauty rather than aloof exoticness. His jawline is soft rather than angular, and his nose relatively small and button-like instead of aquiline. Beneath his slender brow are his eyes, two large, exquisite sapphire pools that are always brimming with a youthful excitement.

At 5'7, the Avariel certainly doesn't cut the most imposing of figures, but he is taller than a large portion of elvenkind. His figure is slender and lissome, lacking any sort of defined musculature beyond the minimum for a male. Indeed, his overall structure looks rather fragile, as if a few harsh gusts of wind might risk blowing him away.

From his back sprout his wings - two huge appendages sporting coats of tawny feathers. They're remarkably well-groomed and clearly affectionately taken care of. The very tips of his wings are dyed a pale shade of gold, an apparent cosmetic choice that usually isn't even noticeable.

Upon the Avariel's forehead rests a pair of large goggles. Their lens are a pale yellow color, and upon inspection it's clear to see that they're well-worn, for the leather band holding them around his head is scratched and a little frayed. Still, he is highly attached to them and it would be quite rare to spot the man ever lacking the goggles above his brow.

Rather than favoring elegant garments or durable armor, the Avariel always wears remarkably practical clothing. Without fail, his pants and/or belt have numerous pouches attached to them, strapped to every place available. That belt of his bears a curious insignia, portraying a small cloud with a bird inside of it. He also usually wears a pair of thick leather gloves, which look like not even a knife would be able to penetrate without some effort. Over his shoulder typically rests his staff, a simple-looking piece of wood with a ball of softly glowing golden light at the end.

He carries with him a strong scent of the woods, with oak and pine as well as the simple smell of soil clearly detectable near him. On occasion, one would find a scruffy-looking raven perched upon his shoulder, keenly examining the world around them.

As far as demeanors go, his is almost always agreeable. The Avariel is rarely found without a cheery smile on his lips, flirtatious with both women and men alike, and avoids confrontation like the plague. He is usually willing to help out those who need his aid.
Player:Here Lies the Abyss
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Elf