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Blessed with an otherworldly charisma, Varrick is a man who has clearly lived a life of danger and intrigue on the back of his not inconsiderable charm. Like many of those who have made something of a career escaping horrible situations by the skin of their teeth, he has a dark humour about him and an easy smile -- and the kind of confidence that only comes from one who does not fear death.

Clearly of some manner of fiendish blood, this creature is starkly beautiful in a sense that could only be described as such. The fiendish blood has blessed him with sharp, angular, aquiline features set atop a pronounced fiendish bone structure, softened at the lips and broadened in the jaw by elements of the human blood that dominates his heritage. Two elegant dust-coloured horns curl outwards from his hairline in shallow symmetrical arcs, thick dusky-coloured hanging in long tresses to his shoulders behind them. His mouth is surrounded by similarly coloured facial hair that dips under his chin, adding a roughness to his devilish beauty. His skin is a swarthy earthen red, tawny and exotic yet touched with an unmistakable hellishness. Beneath his rich, warm skin his body is all lean muscle, and he is blessed with a lithe shape and unshakeable coordination that tells of great dexterity, his sober movements ever-precise.From the base of his spine extends a long, arrowhead-tipped tail, always accounted for in the cut of his clothing -- whether it itself has a mind of its own, or is a device entirely of his own will is a mystery. Breaking his attractively fiendish guise are eyes of a startling shallow-sea blue that lends him an aura of benevolence, despite his cruel visage. Whether this is the case is as uncertain as such a contradiction in themes should warrant.

A rich Calishite accent colours the lilting tones of his expressive voice, yet looking over his attire he does not seem particularly Calishite. Nor does he bear any of the linguistic idiosynchrasies of a Cager from Sigil.  His clothing is all form-fitting and practical in its elegance. Replete with stark whites contrasted with blacks and browns that enrichen his reddish, tawny skin. Hidden all over his form are all kinds of baubles and trinkets of exotic natures, as though this man refused to carry anything that wasn't of some manner sentimental worth. Scattered through his thick hair are several thin braids jeweled with precious beads and little bands of gold.

Never found without some manner of stringed instrument in reach, whether by magical means or otherwise, Varrick makes no secret of his trade as a tale-singer and his eclectic musical and literary influences point to a life far too well travelled for someone not yet graced by greying hair and an ailing back.

His winsome, roguish smirk tells an intricate tale of danger -- the glint in his pretty eyes smacking of a deep untrustworthiness.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Half-Elf