The Watcher

You see a small figure, childlike at first glance, a halfling at second glance, and something else entirely depending on how much closer you look.

The body resembles a humanoid figure, of approximate halfling size, but is not organic. In place of skin there is a shiny metallic shell, ornately crafted to look like an ancient doll, and yet intricately more advanced than your average golem.

The eye sockets glow with an eerie blue light, and when she speaks it is not her mouth that moves, it is your mind. Her communications filter subtly into your perception, her message understood by all beings of sufficient intelligence, regardless of their native language.

Her face, however, is always covered by a golden mask, though to say it is a mask presumes it is detatchable and not the constructs actual face. In fact, to call the one known as Watcher 'she' would be a kindness, and overlooking the blatantly artificial body, but beneath that inorganic frame burns a core of spellfire and a very real consciousness bound in a nimble, metal body.

Though probably unnecessary for a construct, she does wear clothing. In fact she seems to wear only the one style of clothing, but not out of a sense of dignity or reservation, the construct has no need of these feelings; these garments seem capable of shifting their colours to better match the wearers environment, or not if the wearer so chooses. Wearing clothes, in this instance, is a purely functional matter of camoflague.

That said, this metallic form was also devoid of any orifices which might otherwise be vulnerable to violation. Sexual intercourse simply was not a factor of 'her' design.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Halfling