ASV-BH 6-01 Codename: Cherubim

Name: Autonomous Soul Vessel- Battle Healer Series 6 Model 01
Age: Less than a year
Sex: Female Programming
Height: 6'2"
Weight: Wooden bench creaks under her slightly

Description: This female construct of smooth polished silver skin walks through the street with radiance of the sun dancing on her armor. Her bust isn't too large, just enough to distunguish her as a female, on her back there are large metallic shiny wings of silver and celestial steel. She is much lighter than other constructs of Clockworken Legion as well as kindler and without the disposition of a drunked dwarf mixed with adolescent bard. Her voice is melodic and light, everything she says rhymes and sounds like a song. Her body is covered in the holy markings of Ilmater and Selune as well as magefire crystals, enabling her to use the divine magic of the gods she was made to praise.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Half-Elf