Mathis Darkheart

[Name] - Mathis Darkheart

[Race] (formerly) Half Fiend/Half Blue Dragon (Currently) Vampire

[Height] 6'2

[Deity] Nerull (Greyhawk God of Death)

[Skin Tone] Light Grey Blue

[Eyes] Always constantly burning as if on fire

Darkness looms over this being like a shroud of thick black fog.  It evelopes and surrounds him, the choking darkness seemed to eminate from his very being.  The faint scent of brimstone and blood would linger upon him as he stands about, fully adorned in his armor.  From head to toe this being would be covered in either thick black cloth or dark grey iron armor, the only bit of flesh that would stand out form him, would be his long, spiked, and spaded tail that caresssly waved and swayed about whether he stood still or was in motion.  

If you were to approach and look upon this being, you might be able to make out his skin was a light mixture of grey and blue, the two colors clashing together to form a rather unique skin tone.  If by some chance his cloak and hood were to be removed and his facial features were gazed upon, one would note his seemingly smooth and pleasent face.  His features would betray how he dressed, his face smooth and almost friendly if gazed upon.   His hair would be a jet black, it slicked back some as if with oil, his hair would also be kept in a tight medium legnth ponytail.  Sprouting out from his slicked hair would be two large horns, each of which curled up and back.  These horns would seem to have the appearance of being sharpened, as if he kepts them constantly sharp like knives almost.  

After taking note of his seemingly pleasent facial features, there would be something rather unsettling that would put this pleasent look in check, his eyes.   His eyes if gazed into, would always be aflame.   His eyes seemed to burn intensely, so much so it would be impossible to make out if he actualy had eyes at all, so thick the flames would be.  

[Reds] God gaming, Power gaming, metagaming, limbloss (his tail counts as a limb, as well as his wings, no cutting them off),

[Yellows] - None

[Greens] If its not listed as a red, its a green, i'm generally pretty open to many different forms of rp.  Player is tell friendly
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Half-Elf