Liza Datson

A short, human girl with pale skin barely ever kissed by the sun. She's pretty and soft, with clean skin, aside from the freckling on her cheeks. Her dark eyes are a translucent brown like tea or coffee, and are often downcast uncomfortably while she hugs herself self-consciously. She has long light hair either died or naturally a light cherry in color.

Her figure is curvy, volutpuous and stocky, with huge, perfectly plump E cup spheres for breasts, making her very topheavy. Her hips are also very wide and generous, usually hugged tight by whatever she wears, her legs strong and smooth and her rump heartshaped, plump and round. She's a little chubby, with a small, soft tummy. Her arms are thin and unexercised, her fingers gentle.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf