Cashan Meyer

    Cashan was born to a nobel family, he was pios and needed many lessons taught to him that his father never would.  Spoild and a brat by most peoples means, he spent most of his life living through his fathers reputation and acting higher than his station would allow.

    As with most people like this sooner or later you push and shove the wrong person and as in Cashans case one day he ran across a old man and thought to pick on him, this was his first mistake.    He push and prodded this old man to his limits till finaly he hit him over the head with a board by accident no less but enough to kill him, a man near by witnessed this and when the mans daughter came by saw what had transpired and the reports from the witnesses making Cashan look very guilty.

    Cashan was tried in a court of his peers and with his fathers influance , of corse never letting his son be harmed, he got away with it being deemed inocent of all charges.   This didnt go over well with the daughter who was a enchanter and decided to take matters into her own hands and get her own vengance for her father.   Cashan went out on his daily arronds one afternoon and was baged by the womans brothers draged away and tied in chains begging like the man he was a coward and a bully for his life , he was forced to suffer through a strange ritual.

   The next morning he awoke from the nights events untied and left there with no clothes his hair cut and his face changed forever, he didnt even rekognize himself.   He only found out the town had disowned him his own father didnt know him, he was chased from his home, and now he wanders the land , lost without a home looking for somewhere to belong, life teaching him lessons along the way.

    Cashan being a loner now, a ranger of sorts walking the lands doesnt know where to go and only seeks to belong, he suffers blackouts at night and findshimself most morning coverd in blood , not his own, when he awakes this terifies him and he doesnt know what to think of it, but he knows he must find the reason for this ocoruance and whats causing it and how to get back to being himself.

    His dark skin and matted hair cover a masculan form and handsome features though not his own, his eyes yellow like a wolves and always looking around as if hes going to be attacked , friendly by nauture though not quick to trust, he finds himself in Sinfar through his travels not sure of who he is , what he is and what brings him here ...........
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human