Bryce Cross

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Bryce Cross

Looking him over one would see the physical traits of a motley young strong man in his twenties.

Dark auburn hair with highlight slashes of blood red. Often feather straight in a short dervish messy style. A light warm tan color his skin could be described. Vibrant face and broaden jawed.

 Full lips which seem made for kissing or expressing a snarky lip curl. Cheek bones and brows exude one's hidden strength. The smooth canvas of skin fitting over his angelic face in combination with those wicked expressions could be summed up with the phrase, hauntingly beautiful. The eye color of this young blood is a rose copper gold. Yes they are looking you over, either summing you up or plotting what comes next. When it comes to height , its easy to say he blends in with the majority.

 Bryce can be seen often adorned with jewelry . In specific he has rings on all his fingers. The young lad thinks its ravishing to be adorned, clearly. Gold and silver small hoops in both ear ridges with silver and gold studs for the earlobes. Hell, he also sports a small golden hoop on his bottom lip to the right side, in which he tongues at when in thought. He sports dice ear rings at times too. His black leather belt is decorated in the middle with a chain whilst his belt buckles vary in arts ranging from a silver skull to a cross. His deep red leather boots with spurs-yes spurs- can often be heard in his stroll.

His baritone voice carries a guileless manner. His callow laughter rings with a metallic element. This young blood at times can be seen sporting a skull decorated at the hilt, long blade strapped to his back lightly brushing against his leather coat.

Height:6ft due to his boots currently
Build: Thick muscled lumberjack
Age: Twenty four

Kink info: Yeah..Bryce can be dirty naughty in damned near every aspect. He shares very well.  Ye just have to get to know him I guess to experience the details of such kinks.

Now...lets explore what we can and have fun from light talk, shit talk, humored talk..hell please RP your char to the max!
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human