Raidia Yanadanaldrin

Leader of the elven booty babes, Raidia was here for one reason only. To kick ass, take names, and have a huge ass. It was rumoured that every ass she took, only helped to enlarge her own. Not only that, she was strong. A strong ass big booty, big titted archer.

Raidia wont take shit from anybody. This cold hearted bitch with the curves wont like you if you can't handle her at her worst, because if you can't handle her at her worst, you do not deserve her at her best. She also looked like a huge bitch on top of it all, so it's no surprise, she acts like one.

Her blonde locks of hair show care and beauty, and she hates to get blood in it.

Physical Details
Hair: Blonde, as on model for appearance.
Eyes: Ice blue.
Nose: Refined.
Ears: Elven.
Figure: Curvy and large set. Not fat though, oh no. Muscled and padded in the right places.
Booty: Bootylicious. You could bounce gold coins off that ass. And shouldn't try unless you feel like wearing an eyepatch for a long while.
Breasts: Comfortable D-cup chest, jiggling under her shirts, or dresses, with massive nipples capping her tits, often hard and tempting, a good half inch long when they protruded.
Legs: Long, toned, muscled and beautiful.
Feet: A little unusually large on her.

Naughtier bits: Haha! Described if you get her naked.

Lights? Lights? There are no lights except the ones in your head when you get smacked up for coming onto her. Goddess forbid you bounced a coin off her ass, the lights are the ones inside the realm of whatever god you worship and live for.

RP RP RP RP RP. RP is the topmost thing.

Keep IC IC and OOC OOC. OOC Drama will be met with the offender being ignored and reported if they harrass. IC Drama will just end with IC consequences!
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf