Caldur Escolante 'en Kesir Olin'

Name: Caldur Escolante
Age: 120
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 157
Hair: Muted Red
Eyes: Pale Blue
Orientation: Straight
Personality: Caldur is a good old fashioned fun loving rogue.  He tends to come off a bit arrogant at first due to his nobel upbringing. He enjoys his wine and expensive things.

Bio: Caldur grew up in a privilaged life of nobel upbrining.  His father was an elven ambassador and his mother was a reknown bard of impressive talent.  Caldur has been groomed into the life of politics, but his real desire is that of adventure.  He is plauged by elven curiosity and enjoys "slumming it" in the city.  He enjoys the rush of picking a lock and exploring other people's homes.  This is his outlet to the mundane life of politics.  He would be classified as a thrill seeker and had the money to back up his hobby of finding the next biggest rush.  


Red: Men, the weird stuff, and anything against server rules.  I don't discourage the RP, but if you want to do something weird to Caldur bring it up in RP and if it is something i'm not interested it caldur will politely decline.

Yellow: Torture, Perma-anything.  I would entertain permenate changes to my toon.  But the catch is that it needs to be done in RP and has to make sense.

Green: Women, Relationships, starting a family.  I very much enjoy intricate plots and plot twists.  I advocate character advancements through RP and like to be involved in many different stories.

*OOC NOTE* I am tell friendly so if you have a question feel free to ask.  If you want to see if something falls into my red light catagory just ask.  Most of all
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Elf