Radoc Caren

Radoc Caren was born in a gnome village called Haironas Barrow ((before DnD fans hunt me down.. then yes it is a village i made up myself. If anyone else want to play they come from the same village. Feal free)) Her mother was one of the great mages that defended the village from bandits and other outside life.. So she was very famos and had plenty of gold.
Her father, the leader of Haironas Barrow had always been amazed by Radoc's mother, both her beuty and skills. So they found together, and later Radoc was born. Radoc was raised to be another mage defender. But after she became adult, she left the village to learn more from the world outside. And that was how she found sinfer.
Due to having high ranked parrents, and always got everything she wantet just by point at it. Radoc became quite a snob and think highly of herself.

//the ooc part i will fill out later. but to give you a idea of what i am into... well only Redlight i have and always will have is Perm Death. All other kind of rp is fine, and actual my favorite ERP is beeing forced, raped, abused or humiliatet.. realy the worse and the more rough it gets. The more i enjoy it ;)
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Gnome