
This huge, brutal minotaur, another addition to his blood cursed clan, is a massive creature, standing just under eight feet tall.  A bit smaller than others of his clan, he is definitely a younger one, but he is learning their savage ways of rape, pillage, enslavement and brutality all too well.

Like others of his clan, Garag thinks nothing of taking a helpless victim when the opportunity arises to savagely ravage his victim relentlessly and cruelly, to satisfy his perpetual lusts.  Endowed as he is, like the others of his kind, he is capable of truly monstrous insertions, as well as enormous amounts of semen production, whole gallons at a time.  With his inhuman endurance, this can result in a mortal victim either being enslaved for breeding, or meeting an untimely end - or, sometimes, both, with the latter arriving eventually.

Player:Nemesis 24
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Half-Orc