Katarina Bloodstone

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Born to the famous family of Vampire hunters Katarina did not really have a chance for being anything else. Still she enjoyed the family business learned from her father and mother, her mother was the best of the best, and she would often personally tutor her cherished daughter in hunting vampires. That is until the day her mother was turned....Her mother killed her father quickly and had the drop on her daughter and just as she was prepared to bite her Daughter and turn her she threw her down and ran screaming and crying into the night. Katarina never stopped her hunting for her mother and other vampires. She has come to Sinfer in hopes of finding a cure to Vampirisim, still the large amount of Vampires here concerns the vampire huntress as she feels like she is stepping into the lions den but

The Bloodstones never give up.

Alright Some more information: She is from Cormyr and worships Red Knight. Tactics and Planning saves vampire hunters lives. Her mother is in Sinfar in fact she is rarely not where her daughter is always watching her. If you wish to play her mother please contact me.

Reds: Gore, Toilet RP, Pedo, Perma anything without permission,

Yellow: Men and She males. (Depends on mood really.)

Greens: Anything else and Tell friendly if you have questions.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human