Shadow Amun

Portrait Save
Name: Amun Ahken'het
Nicknames/Aliases: Melloch, Melly
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 245 lbs
Skin: Dark Chocolate Brown
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Age: Looks around 30-34 years old
Race: Appears Human
Ethnicity: Mulan
Homeland: Mulhorand, the city of Skuld



-=-[ Hair ]-=-
Dark, thick hair is braided and over time has tangled into dreadlocks that hang heavily from this man's head. Though the tangled locks look chaotic in appearance, they hang orderly about his head as if they were pointedly styled in such a manner. The scent of the man's exotic oils is present which leads to the assumption that the oil is used there as well.

Most that know of the Mulan would know that it is typical of their males to shave their heads bald. Why Amun goes against this tradition is a tale for him to tell.

-=-[ Face ]-=-
Amun's face is mostly symmetrical in appearance with a square shape that's slightly tapered heart-shaped. A strong jaw, full lips, and somewhat wide nose are the prominent features of his face. His jaws, chin, and above his upper lip are covered in a short, shadow of a beard that has replaced the smoother look though bears the appearance of being tamed and orderly.

-=-[ Eyes ]-=-
Attentive and expressive pitch black eyes watch the man's surroundings with obvious curiosity though at times his inquisitive gaze is glazed over as if seeing things not fully there. Despite his youthful look, one insightful stare into his eyes would likely give one the sense that the man is much older than his outward appearance would suggest and a bit of their luster has faded with time and trials. Brows of medium thickness nestle over the man's eyes and are as expressive of a feature as the rest of his face.

-=-[ Physique ]-=-
While Amun is tall, standing at six feet and five inches, the man's overall physique is not musclebound. He is mostly toned with a broad, well-defined chest and well-defined abs as he's become regularly active once more. Outside of this, the man's body looks slightly emaciated for his size, with notable lack of fat and corded muscle.

-=-[ Unusual Features ]-=-
Unusual Chill - Anyone that has been close to Amun will attest that the man gives off an aura of cold that one would not expect of a normal human and the level of chill waxes and wanes based upon his mood. He gives no true explanations to most beyond usually cheeky remarks.

-=-[ Scent ]-=-
Amun is void of any scent, pleasant or unpleasant. This might seem out of place to some and off-putting to others.

-=-[ Disposition ]-=-
His calm, carefree behavior might, at times, hide his propensity for being a dominant male. This behavior carries over in how he generally deals with people, be they acquaintances, enemies, lovers, or pets. But, from time to time, he shows signs of an unstable disposition, the normal calm suddenly replaced by unfettered rage. There is little rhyme or reason to his mood swings.

-=-[ Attire ]-=-
Regardless of what attire he wraps his form in, it infallibly has the appearance of being made of high quality, luxurious fabrics with an overwhelmingly strong preference towards silks, tight and soft leather, and elegant suede. It is obvious he takes pride in his appearance.

He does not usually hide his face behind masks or hoods. He favors dark colors, normally in muted shades of black or gray.

-=-[ Tattoos ]-=-

-=-[ Jewelry/Adornments ]-=-
The Eye of Osiris (Amulet) - Upon his neck at all times is an amulet upon an ever-changing chain. The amulet always depicts the symbol of the Eye of Osiris. The backside of this amulet is made of solid gold. Etched into the back is a relief of a coiled serpent, and at times, the man flips the amulet so this side is prominent. Close scrutiny would show that the amulet is enchanted. Amun values the amulet highly and is not prone to removing it or allowing others to touch it.

Obsidian Lacquer-Inlaid Bracer
This bracer is made of fine obsidian judging by the rails on either side of its ends. Between them is a layer of fine black lacquer, swirled in areas of dark and light. Set into the lacquer are tiny diamonds of a few different sizes; given the spacing, they very much begin to look like stars. Set in the middle of the bracer is a thin disc of opal, shining white and violet and blue by turns - a moon, perhaps. Set into the moon is the shadow of something else; the faint hint of silver along the disc's edge hints to what it may be.

-=-[ Character Likes/Dislikes ]-=-
RP for it though it might be quite common knowledge that he does not like being touched without his permission.

============={ OOC }================

-=-[ Currently Seeking ]-=-

-RP in general.

-=-{ Redlights }-=-
-Sexual acts with non cis female identifying characters.
-Sexual acts with characters that have versions different than cis female.
-Sexual acts with females that yellow light males for any reason. I'm not going to be a good fit for you and neither will Amun.
-ERP with characters that look like children (anime chibi portraits included)
-Non story driven perma-death
-Annoyance RP (characters made for or intent on disturbing the enjoyment of others)
-Mary Sue/Marty Stu
-'Hidden Alts' of people I've rejected RP with.

-=-=-={ Yellow lights }=-=-=-
-Blank Bios/Descriptions
-Sci-Fi based characters.
-Pregnancy (Shadow Amun cannot truly impregnate anyone. Any impregnation will result in the birth of shadows that mature instantly. These shadows will have no bond to the parents and will seek to escape to the Plan of Shadow/Shadowfell as soon as they are capable.)

A Shadow version of the 'real' Amun.

Amun will befriend and converse with people regardless of gender identity.

Character Personality > Pixels

Mind your own RP. Don't go sticking your nose into what's none of your business.

Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human