Croenela Virago

Being a mother is an attitude, not biology.

[Updated 29/4/2017]
+Table of Contents+
~Plain Biography
~Detailed Biography
~Traffic Lights
~OOC Notes

+Plain Biography+
Used Name~Croenela Virago.
Race~Corrupted Human.
Apparent Age~45.
Height~1.8m / 5'11"
Build~A slight frame without a shred of
~muscle to boast about, and moderate
~plush to pad where it mattered.
Eyes~Milky white and at a glance blind,
~though that proved to not be true.
~There was something about her eyelids
~that wasn't quite right, though.
Hair~Thick curly graying hair that was
~swept into many braids, decorated with
~numerous beads and other colorful bits.
Skin~Smooth and well-maintained for a
~woman of her age, lacking scars and most
~blemishes, though of note had a small mole
~along her cheek; a beauty mark if you will.
Scent~Blood, sweat, and a stronger scent
~of burnt wood. Which certainly spoke
~for how her evenings were spent.
Voice~Endearingly rich and mature, telling
~of the years she's collected over time.
~She possessed a sort of pseudowelsh
~accent, though from an unknown region.
Special~An aura of unease rolled off of
~her originating from the blade sheathed
~on her hip. Something about it seemed
~wrong and wholly unpleasant.

+Detailed Biography+
 She appeared to be a human woman
at first glance, with lovely dark chocolate skin, and a wildly decorated head of hair. Whenever she spoke, her age showed through as well as her skin; wearing wrinkles around her eyes and mouth, and generally aged skin around the rest of her form, although it still appeared that the dark skinned woman had still aged quite well. Though she had more to her than that.

 Within her presence, shadows seemed to ever so subtly twitch unnaturally, and her own shadow never seemed to be facing the direction it ought to be, but close
to it. Croenela was quite the magical being as it would become more and more obvious, possibly leading one to believe she was a mage of some sort; a witch, perhaps.

 And that sword of hers was also a rather unnatural thing, as it gave off an aura of unease, looking at it gave the impression that something about it was wrong, and a gaze held long enough on it would give the impression of hunger, even if it wasn't clear why. When drawn, it
held a sickly green glow to it, and the minimalistic guard appeared to have a strange symbol on it.

 Her clothes seemed to be fitting to a shaman or a witch, one with perhaps some more cultured sensibilities depending on one's outlook. Usually, around her shoulders was draped a mantle made of black and dark gray glossy feathers, with beads hanging off at various intervals. And of note, she never wore shoes, her feet always looked dirty and traveled, yet lacking the more leathery texture one might expect from being barefoot all the time.

 Her frame was slight, thin one might even say, with her ribs slightly showing, but she nonetheless despite that held curves and a sort of faint plumpness
where it counted. She lacked scars and most other blemishes, although of special note was a small singular mole along her left cheek. Although she did age well, she still nonetheless appeared to be around her young to mid-forties in age, carrying herself with those years proudly; with confidence in her wisdom, and likely power.

 And her humanity? Questionable. Her fingers were tipped in claws, her tongue seemed longer than it had any right to
be, and her eyes? Her eyelids were upside down, so she appeared to blink and squint in a strange manner. So perhaps she was still human, and simply strangely mutated? She was quite happy to pose as a human from afar, even if she wasn't exactly
passably human at a closer glance.

 [As of 29/4/2017] Those who saw or knew her from before, would in fact notice she looked quite a bit older than she used to, in a short enough time span it didn't exactly make sense. Aging a whole of twenty years nearly overnight was certainly quite peculiar; an eyebrow raiser.

 Mother knows best. 8======D

+Traffic Lights+

+OOC Notes+
Nothing that I do in-character is done personally unto you as a player. Try to keep IC & OOC separate.

Search up ".lane" on for other characters.

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf