Aunna Whitefang

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This character is my attempt at a dragon without delving into D&D Lore as we all know if you've read past bios I'm not to into all the politics and rules revolving RP there :P    

Homeland- Earth (Ancient Greece.)

Race- Winter Dragon

Sex- Hermaphrodite

Proffession- Priestess

Deity- Aphrodite

Description- An grand specimen  of draconic beauty even in her human form she holds everything her goddess stands for as far as attributes. Large DD sized breasts mixed with a curvy hourglass figure draws attention away from most of her other features in the case of what the usual Sinifer Citizen is looking for. However despite her more draconic features like the large set of horns coming out of her head and the large white dragon wings sprouting from her back she is a sight to behold her face holds a mature beauty about it those bright green eyes scanning peoples every movement as she wanders the streets, stands idly against a wall, or sits in a nearby seat. However if one were to seek her company they would find theres a whole other side to this one. Though inviting to suitors she finds herself more often then not alone due to her gender based anomaly. However she wouldn't bother hiding it as it would become a topic of conversation eventually if things went further then talking and though it is large boasting 9-10 inches erect it's not the giants that most Sinfarians hold down below.

History- "Who says there were never dragons on earth?" Well this winter scaled wonder begs to differ with anyones opinion to the latter. There may not be many but there are some and most of them rule the seasons, they work with the fey "Decorating" the lands in secret for the upcoming seasons. This particular one preffered to work keeping the mountain tops cold and white all while working as a Priestess for Aphrodite in her off time. As for why she is hermaphroditic? well on Earth dragons don't come by the hundreds like in Faerun or other realms so they were forced to evolve and adapt naturally in case they were to run into another of their kind for breeding purposes. Most times an Earth dragon is forced to mate with a fey in a human form in hopes that their magical bloodline is strong enough to birth another full blood which more often then not would result in an abomination that would have to unfortunately be destroyed as it wouldn't live very long either way. Aunna wouldn't chance it though she couldn't bear the idea of having to kill another innocent child over the sake of her having someone to talk to so one night in her prayers she asked Aphrodite to spare her the torture of living alone and to send her to a place where there were many other dragons and maybe she would have a chance of making some friends. The goddess appeared before the Dragon in a dream and told her "I can help you my child but it would involve sending you to a place where my love can no longer reach you." Aunna did not care she wanted her lonely existance to end. She had been a Priestess of Aphrodite for so long that she felt almost silly being alone all the time. "My goddess I love you so but this land has nothing for me I'm afraid." Aphrodite nodded. "Yes my child I can see where a dragon such as yourself is alone in this world without having the magic available to change into another form. I will grant you your wish and send you to a place I know at least a little about. It is called Sinfar a place full of adventure, magic, and most importantly love both physical and emotional." Aunna nodded and simply replied "Thank you my goddess, and please though I know you hold no power there remember I do love you for all you have done for me." Aphrodite simply smiled and when Aunna awoke the next day she found herself far from the cold mountaintops of greece and in a warm bed in the local Sin Mamore in a humanlike form she knew her goddess had granted her her final wish and could still feel only a faint glimpse of her presance in her heart, perhaps enough to keep her divine abilities about her person but very little beyond that.


When I say domming in this certain case it does not mean "Dominatrix." It simply means she likes to be on top. She prefers to be an equal lover not saying that in any relationship there's not a certain dom/sub dynamic but she doesn't want anyone to outright call her Mistress (On a permanent basis.). Kinky play as usual is welcome and though I prefer herms and shemales other genders are welcome though normal males females will only find her interested in a fling and nothing on the permanent side. Fem boys are more then welcome for more in depth things as well. Finally SHE WILL NEVER BE MONOGAMOUS! She has a big heart and will take on many lovers so please if you are a player that desires needs alot of time out of someone on a constant basis do not seek more then fun from her. She is most definitely an open minded person who will seek friends with benefits who she can love when she see's them and they have time for each other BUT NOT a everyday 24/7 lover. In truth I have other characters and this is more a clerical alt I made to play with friends and help people level with :P  

Other then that red's are literally vore, gore, rape, and anything extremely forced. She is open to most other things involving love and pleasure even BDSM on the playful side as long as both parties are enjoying it.

Yellows- Group play it's fun I know but it can get very confusing and people get mad when I can't keep up so I try to avoid it save a few scenarios.

Greens/Whites- Honestly there are to many to list as I enjoy all types of ERP but that doesn't mean you can't send a tell to be sure.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Half-Elf