Tarynla Soquoth

Portrait Save
Age: Unknown
Race: Demon(Marilith, info on race DC 26 Lore)
Sex: Female(By all appearances)
Height(Length): Tail to Head, 23'11" (torso up 4'9")
Weight: ...more than a ton <_<
Orientation: Demons aren't picky

Appearance: A very long and large creature with a snake-like lower body extending roughly 20 feet across and a tall humanoid torso with greenish skin, and half a dozen arms
Her scales fall short of her navel, reaching down a very long and powerful tail. Up above it is a smooth stomach of pale skin, followed by rather large breasts only possible by the strength of her body supporting them. The six arms move naturally(for her) and swiftly, a level well beyond simple ambidexterity.

Her face is gaunt and unnattractive, cheekbones protruding all too far, jawline thin and inhuman, the most full feature of her face is in her lips, between them a forked and slimey tongue tastes after the air around her. Her hair is greasy and unkempt, hacked crudely above her shoulders
Her eyes are reptillian and predatory, ever watchful and distinct in search for every item or object abound with a light of yellow flaring as they adjust to new sights. These snakelike eyes focus on detail that others may miss

No Gore, no Scat, keep it within rules of both server and common sense
Permenant Changes to Status and Physicality
Roleplay(Mariliths are very eager for combat, be warned) Intimacy(demons aren't the loving type so much as the lusting type) Force(see lust) Creative turns, realism, magic, and good sports/natured OOC
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Uknown