
Portrait Save

Race:  Lizardman-thing
Gender:  Male(?)
Height:  About 150cm/4'11ft
Eyes:  Nearly pitch black. Slitted pupils
Scales:  Green, black stripes down the back and tail, brighter belly, chest, groin and underside of tail

quick lazy-link :


What you see is...well looks like a lizardman. Scales, muzzle, fanged teeth, long tail, digitigrade legs, everything would check out well enough to call him that.

His body while not particularly toned, was fit enough, combining decent speed and strength. The scales that covered him would actually come in three shades: Most of his body covered in darker green ones, though they became brighter on his front and underside (that is, from his chin, down his torso, and underside of his tail);  along his entire spine, starting at his neck and and down the top of his tail, were black gorizontal stripes.

His head lacking any horns, or external ears, with only some minor color alterations to make him more characteristic. No teeth were visible, unless he opened his maw and once he did...oh boy, not something a sane person would like to have closing around their shoulder! The flesh inside was black, or dark grey, tongue included, suggesting that similar coloration could be found...elsewhere.

His eyes were a dark grey, nearly black coloration, with his slitted pupils only noticeable close up.

Finally his limbs: clawed hands possessing only three fingers and a thumb and saurian/draconic feet sporting tree toes and a dev higher up. Of course, all his digits were sporting sizeable claws.

Now, if you ever got a look between the legs of this reptile, you'd notice a distinct lack of...well, cock. Anyone unfamiliar with reptilian anatomy could be convinced it is in fact a female.

A small (or not) detail, that some might be able to sense: this scalie has a portion of Kobold ancestry. What does it mean? In most cases, nothing at all! If you are a draconic being however...well, you would likely feel a sort of...possessiveness towards him, so to speak. Dominating him, ordering him, having him serve you, it all would simply feel -natural-.

This be the kinky part! Admit it, you just scrolled straight to it~

Lazy link for sexual flags:

Role/position:  most definitely submissive/bottom

Some favorites:
-Paws+ boots/footgear  **(Not human-like feet though. Paws, talons, hooves are all game though)**
-Forced submission
-Capture, Enslavement, Imprisonment
-Monsters and exotic creatures
-Mistaken gender

Definite 'no's':
-Anything to do with bodily wastes

Some things that will definitely get my interest:
1. Capture and slavery. (Preferred, but not limited to non-consensual, but potentially turning willing)
2. Rape.
3. Mind-domination/control (come at me illithid!)
4. Servitude/favors
5. Blackmail
6. Getting tricked/seduced into sexual situations.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human