Zanaeger 'Shadowfang' Zalaedere

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(Player is VERY TELL FRIENDLY if any questions need to be asked, random login's are expected due to medical reason's. Webclient get's checked often though)


Name: Zanaeger Zalaedere
Pronounciation: Za-na-ee-grr Zah-lah-ee-deer-ee
Species: Magic-Corrupted Worg
Sexual Orientation: Straight



Large, youthful and muscular looking for a wolf, standing about three feet in height. With midnight black fur and glowing red eyes, also weighing in at three hundred pounds. The worg's musculature seems more for agility than brute force.

An odd sparkle of magic discharge is seen sparking off it's fur, it looks like purple electricity moving from root to tip, making a distinct very soft crackling noise. The fur's also very soft and warm.

Touching this however does not electrocute or even harm but does cause an odd tingling. It can also leave dark purple glowing paw prints in it's wake that fade in a short span of time. Both it's fur and claws and the mark's will glow dimly when in low light.

The paw's when touched to flesh however can leave permanent paw print's unless removed in some way. Probably caused by mana infusion or something much more harder to explain. The pads are also strangely hot to the touch and tingle with an odd pleasure.

It's maw when opened shows rows and rows of sharp white teeth, it's claws for some reason are a midnight purple in colouration. A bushy wolf tail swishes behind the worg and will often betray it's mood, much to the irritation of it's owner.

This animal is clearly a male if one was to look underneath and spot the furry sheathe. It's hard to guess it's true size unless one was to get it aroused. But if one was to hazard a guess it's clearly bigger than an average human male. It is also hard to miss it's large, furry and orange sized orbs which must be filled with an immense amount of it's seed.

The oddest thing however about this wolf however is the glint of sentience in it's eyes, considering it's feral appearance. That and it's large ear's swivel back and forth and linger when other's speak around it as if it understands clearly.

The whole wild assumption usually ends when he talks. If anyone recognises the worg, he would seem slightly less gloomy. Has something caused this once secretive worg to openly speak?
A much older gift to the worg has him glancing idly at a crimson rope-ring with a gold clasp on it around the ankle of his right forepaw. As if making sure it's still there

Is also wearing a large white feather stuck in said rope-ring that smells a bit... sweet.

-OOC Worg info:-
Worgs are wolf-like magical beasts that resemble normal wolves, but are larger and have a fiendish, demonic countenance and glowing eyes.

Despite their higher intelligence and demonic traits, worgs tend to act, for the most part, like regular wolves. They stalk around in dark forests and gloomy plains, often hunting in packs although sometimes alone.

Lone worgs tend to hunt creatures smaller than themselves, while packs hunt large game. They attack with their teeth and their claws, and also have the benefit of stealth and keen senses.

Unlike most animalistic creatures, worgs can speak. They can speak both Common and Goblinoid, as well as a language of their own.

Worgs bring gloom and fear wherever they go, and are said to have connections with demons. But that's just hearsay, isn't it?
-Lights- (Note: These are ERP lights only, wont refuse casual RP if there's an attempt}

Reds: Anything listed as against server rules, child-like characters mentally or otherwise (besides what's classed as little people), vore, gore, mutilations, blood & torture in ERP, permanent death, god-emoting, toilet based stuff, females who are completely mindless, one-night stands.

Yellows (Either mood based, permission or reached by RP): Relationships (This includes consensual), paw-markings <6>, life-mates, being collared/collaring females, corruption based relationships, werewolves <5>, actual furries (past experience thing), Bondage and domination aspects and exhibition (permission required, if you're going to try watch this by following him to a location far away, get permission first... This includes HiPS stalkers, player can and will skip via OOC if you are caught).

Greens: Risk of Cross-species Pregnancy <1>(Giving), Animal Corruption <2> (Giving), Transformation(Giving, never permanent unless requested <4>), Minor personality change (as per OOC permission), addiction to cum (this counts as corruption), cum bloating/messy sex(giving), scent play, mates meeting other mates, romance, elves/wild elves (but any fleshy females are welcome to try), tribal themes/tattoo's, social/public nudity, humiliation, semi-public/public sex, adventuring and anything else not listed specifically in reds.
Anything marked by <#> goes down here.

<1> Pregnancy from this character causes wolfweres <3> of the Worg variety.

<2> Animal Corruption causing worg traits from minor to major in the one he mates/spends immense time with over time. However if one want's partial corruption for a minor change, that's fine too. (Even none if no corruption is wanted by the player)

<3> Wolfweres: Wolves with the ability to shift into a humanoid form for short amounts of time. (Zan is a worg and can't shift)

<4> -Anything- permanent, even the corruption is based on the will of the "victim", meaning one can safely mate the worg without gaining them.

<5> Wolfweres are hostile to werewolves and it would take immense RP if one were to be interested in the worg.

<6> His marking a mate with a glowing paw-print is not forced, it needs consent. It also acts as a "tracker" if the mate need's him.

Player:The big bad wolf
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Uknown