Trence Mynneth

He stands at just over 6 foot, his black hair tied loosely back accentuating his broad shoulders.  His sapphire eyes gleam as he smiles frequently, often as he brushes back a stray lock of hair.  Upon his left bicep is tattooed the symbol of a red dragon, the mark of his tribe, he is quick to point out to anyone who inquires.

When he speaks, his voice is soft and deep carrying the trace of an accent, seldom heard in these parts.  He moves with the confident grace of a swordsman, his athletic build giving hint to both his speed and dexterity.

Time is catching up with the swordsman, grey colouring the hair at his temples and in his stubble.  His movements are still graceful, even if he isn't as quick as he once was.  Lines now etch his tanned features, speaking of his time on the seas.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human